Vice-Rector for International Affairs

Karivov Amonullo Fayzulloevich 


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Karimov Amonullo Faizulloevich was born on January 11, 1988. In 2012, he graduated from the full-time department of the Romano-Germanic faculty of Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.


–         In 2007 – 2012, faculty of Romance-Germanic languages of the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–         Specialty: English translator

–         In 2014-2019, postgraduate student in the correspondence department Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–         Specialty: 10.02.20 – Comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics.


–         2019 – Candidate of Philological Sciences.


–         2015 – 2016 – Assistant at the Department of Foreign Languages at the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–         In 2016, acting head of the Department of Foreign Language and Professional Communication of the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–         In 2017, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Russian Philology of the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–         In 2018, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages at the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–         2019-2021 – Dean of the Faculty of European Languages at the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–         From October 2021 to December 2022 – Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.

–          From January 2023 to the present – Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Tajik International University of Foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulugzoda.


Area of scientific interests: linguistics, history of translation, translation studies, theory and practice of translation, typological comparison of languages, interaction of languages, etc.