Faculty of English language



Dushanbe, 17/6 Mukhammadiev str


                     The Faculty of 

                   English Language

Foreign language (English)

Primary education.  English language

Preschool education.  Foreign language (English)

Modern foreign languages (translation, English)

Modern foreign languages.  Literary translation

English.  Technology (service)

Linguistic support of legal-English-Russian legal activity

Name and surname:  Musaymov Zubaydullo Muminovich

Job title: Dean of the Faculty

Academic degree: candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor (docent)

E-mail: zubaidullo@gmail.com

Name and surname : Sohibnazarova Havasmoh Tilloevna

Job title: the chairwoman of the chair of comparative linguistics and translation theory

Academic degree: candidate of Philological Sciences

Telephone number: (+992) 93-700-04-37

E-mail: havas3001@mail.ru

Name and surname: Kesamirova Saodat Rustamovna

Job title: Head of the Department of English Philology

Academic degree: candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor (docent)

Telephone number:  (+992) 987524141

E-mail: skesamirova@gmail.com

Name and surnameImatshoeva Munira Bandishoeva

Job title: head of department of English language for two-profile specialities

Academic degree: candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor (docent)

Telephone number: (+992) 939554847

E-mail: imatshoeva_munira81@mail.ru